Автор : Peter LindberghВидавництво : Taschen GmbHРік видання : 2020Мова : Англійська / Французька / НімецькаОбкладинка : ТвердаКількість сторінок : 512Вага : 1.407ISBN : 9783836582506Наявність ілюстрацій : ТакФормат : 156x217x43ммСерія книг: 40th EditionТип: Паперова книгаhttps://www.instagram.com/therealpeterlindbergh Саме на пляжі Малібу в 1988 році Пітер Ліндберг зняв серіал «Білі сорочки», образи якого тепер відомі всьому світу. Прості, але оригінальні фотографії познайомили нас із Ліндою Євангелістою, Крісті Терлінгтон, Рейчел Вільямс, Карен Александер, Тетяною Патіц та...
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1540 Грн
Introducing CineStill 800Tungsten Xpro C-41 Color Negative Film, a reformatted movie stock expertly tailored for use in still cameras. This exceptional film has undergone a unique premoval stage that eliminates the traditional anti-halation rem-jet layer, making it compatible with both C-41 chemistry and the esteemed motion picture standard ECN-2 process.This remarkable color negative film harnesses the remarkable qualities of high-speed motion picture stock, boasting a balanced formulation suitable for tungsten, incandescent, and fluorescent lighting conditions. With a nominal sensitivity of...
850 Грн
Немає в наявнсті
This film is a high-speed daylight-balanced color negative film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 400/27° when processed in C-41 chemistry. Featuring fourth layer color and Interlayer effect technologies, this film exhibits a soft contrast profile with faithful, yet vivid, color reproduction. It produces smooth and natural skin tones and has a broad exposure latitude, making it suitable for general photographic applications and working in a wide variety of lighting conditions.Daylight-Balanced Color Negative FilmISO 400/27° in C-41 ProcessUnobtrusive Grain, Fine Sigma TechnologySoft...
480 Грн
Polaroid: The Complete Guide to Experimental Instant Photography is the go-to resource for all lovers of instant photography. Divided into two main parts, “Camera and Film Format Guide” and “Creative Techniques,” this unique reference offers a comprehensive introduction to instant photography, including a wide-ranging overview of instant cameras and compatible accessories and film; tips on what to buy and where to buy it; how to adapt equipment and preserve the life of your images; easy step- by-step guides to a wide range of image manipulations, accompanied by visual showcases of the work of...
850 Грн
About this itemUpdated Classic- The classic Polaroid film is back with a new formula exclusively for I-Type cameras with 40 classic iconic white framed photos. New Classic- I-Type film uses Polaroid's latest chemistry to provide richer colors, tones, and contrast. I-Type film is not compatible with vintage Polaroid cameras. Light it up- Polaroid instant film loves light. The more light in your shot, the better your photo will turn out. Always shoot in bright light or use the camera flash. Develop- Photos will appear blank at first. Photos develop within 15 minutes. Shield photos from the...
4000 Грн